
Built in 1863, this Victorian masterpiece was constructed by oil tycoon Rick Boker as a wedding gift for his beautiful bride Terry. This beautiful structure sits directly in the middle of the small town called Fear Farm Hollows.

Shortly after its completion, tragically, Terry lost her life giving birth to their son. The baby survived the birth only to pass away three days later. The tragic loss of his family was what caused Mr. Rick Boker to go insane. Three days after the loss of his family, Mr. Boker hung himself in the master bedroom.

Over 160 years later, the manor still stands, and guests claim all types of paranormal activity throughout the estate.

Guests have seen Mrs. Boker walking the widow's walk around the main building. Other guests have claimed to see Mr. Boker carrying a long length of rope into the master bedroom. The ghostly cries of a baby can be heard throughout the manor.

Numerous paranormal researchers have come and stayed at the Sundown Manor. During subsequent investigations, paranormal investigators documented Electronic Voice Phenomenon, poltergeists, and multiple mediums have identified three distinct spirits that haunt the manor.

They have been identified as Mr. Rick Boker. He has been seen wearing a Victorian-era business suit with a noose around his neck.

Mrs. Terry Boker. She has been seen wandering the widow's walk searching for something.

And Rick Boker Jr., a newborn baby that can be heard distantly crying.

In the summer of 1937, Barnaby Rust's Psycho Circus opened its doors to the public. This traveling circus and sideshow performed all across the country, entertaining thousands of guests. But behind the curtains and cheering crowds lies a dark and sinister secret. All across the country, children began to disappear whenever the circus came to town. Some people believed that the children just ran off to join the circus. But the reality is that Barnaby Rust had a literal taste for children. And he never wasted one ounce of the delicious meat. His dark secret was only discovered after one tragic night in 1944.
On July 6th, 1944, the circus set up in Hartford, Connecticut, performing to a full house of over 7,000 enthusiastic guests. The show was going as planned until tragically, a lantern was dropped, and the big top went up in flames. 167 people and 43 exotic animals tragically burned to death, and over 700 others were injured. An investigation was performed, and it was found that the circus crew had waterproofed the big top using wax. Amongst the dead, the authorities found the charred remains of over 42 of the missing children. A postmortem investigation also found that the bones of the children had been chewed on by human teeth. Barnaby Rust’s body was never found. Many investigators believed that he survived the fire, fled, and changed his name to avoid any liability or legal punishment for his crimes.

This is not a traditional haunted attraction. This is a survival experience.

It’s been 2 years since the zombie virus ravished the world.  Millions have died. The US military and the CENTER IF DISEASE CONTROL have created a safe zone west of the Rockies.

    • You will need to outsmart, out maneuver, or outrun the zombies.
    • So get ready to answer this question would you survive the zombie apocalypse?
    • Do not punch, hit or kick the infected.
    • This attraction is survivable no matter your physical condition might be.
    • Before you enter, you will be assigned a belt containing three flags (aka life’s).
    • As you navigate this maze, the infected will try and take your flags.
    • Along the way you may find extra flags. Grab them. They might make the difference between survival or becoming one of the walking dead.
    • If you lose all of your flags continue on till you find the exit. The CDC has been working on a cure and might be able to help you.
    • The guest who makes it out with the most flags each weekend gets to come back at the end of the season for a grand prize.

    It’s been 2 years since the zombie virus has ravished the world. You have been conscripted in to the CIVILIAN ZOMBIE RESPONSE TEAM. Your job is to complete specific missions with in the infected zone.

     You will be armed with the latest in zombie disposal weaponry.  Once you are assigned your weapon, your squad leader will assign your role in the squad. 

    Follow your squad leaders directions to the letter if you want to survive.

      • These infected are not slow they will charge at full force in an attempt to infect you. 
      • A single touch can pass on this deadly virus.
      • Each squad will be assigned a different mission to complete.
      • The survival of the human race is in your hands…
      • If you become infected stay with your squad till the end of the mission. 
      • The CDC has been working on a cure and might be able to help your…
      • Remember stay with your squad, and head shots are the only way to kill a zombie.
      • Your ammo is limited, so make every shot count.
      • Do not shoot your fellow team members.

        Our most family-friendly attraction. The guests enter these tractor-driven trailers and are taken on a ride. As the tractors depart the station, they pass through a strange glowing portal delivering them to another dimension. A dimension filled with dark and mysterious creatures, ghouls, and ghosts. But as long as you stay on the trailer, you will be safe. Your driver will protect you on your journey. One lucky guest might even be asked to help defend the trailer from the walking dead. So if you are brave, come and experience this mystical and thrilling adventure.